This file documents how to install URIBO for H8/300H target.

Table of Contents



This is an example of the environment as follows.

1 Install URIBO files to the host

e.g., You want to install to your home directory. "YYMMDD" means date of the release. And, you can see ~/uribo directory, now.

2 Install GDB stub to the target board

Please connect host-PC to target board by a straight serial cable or USB-serial cable. Please read "/dev/ttyUSB0" etc. in a different way as "/dev/ttyS0" after this if you want to use USB. Please set the DIPSW near CPU chip to as follows BEFORE you turn on power. These settings will make CPU in flash programing mode. Please turn on power and execute "h8write" to program the on-chip flash ROM. Please turn OFF power and set the DIPSW again as follows. These settings will make CPU in mode-5. Please turn on power again. GDB stub installation is done.

Note: H8 GDB stub README is here.

3 Install tool chain from binary package

It is necessary that you have permission to write /usr/local. Please add tool chain path to "PATH" variable. Please try to compile the sample application. It is done if you got "test.elf" with no error.

4 Install tool chain from source package ### Under construction ###

Copyright (C) 256TECH Co., Ltd.
Masahiro Sakamoto